We ask our participants to fill out surveys before and after our workshops to gather data on how effective our presentation is and to see what needs to be improved.
All of your answers are anonymous and no one will know how you answered the questions. We ask for your name, only so we can match your “before” and “after” answers from Parts 1 and 2.
This survey is designed to measure what you know about the laws in North Carolina. Please fill it out before the presentation begins.
This survey is designed to measure what you learned during You & Five-O's presentation. Please fill it out after the presentation is over - we encourage you to do it while still in the room, but you can also access it at any time after the presentation.
This questionnaire is designed to gather feedback on the workshop's presenter, BJ Council. This is the shortest survey we have - if you do nothing else, we ask that you please complete this form.
Thank you!